イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴポップバンド Cosmoratが、1/25にDon Chelada Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'No Sleep'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Olly Liu。
3/15発売のデビューEP『Evil Adjacent』収録曲。
10月のシングル 'S.A.D L.U.V'と全然違うテイストで驚いた曲。
"No Sleep is a rumination on a loved one struggling with mental illness and addiction. I wrote this one night after a harrowing phone call with my mom about someone really close to us. Sometimes, since moving away from home, I am feeling like I am missing out on important life events from my family. Often, when I am feeling helpless and far away, I stay up all night thinking about the worst possible outcomes and how I can’t immediately be at home and help. Throughout the song, I recall some conversations I’ve had with people before they fell into a vicious cycle of addiction. It is sort of pointing out warning signs that I recognised long before they became addicts, but how we eventually grew apart due to isolation and pushing everyone away.”