
Matilda Mann、'You Look Like You Can't Swim'のMVを公開

Matilda Mann
Caity Krone

イングランド/ロンドン拠点のシンガーソングライター Matilda Mannが、7/14にArista RecordsからリリースしたEP『You Look Like You Can't Swim』より、タイトル曲のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Matilda Mann, Nathan Ivor Barlow, Marcus Prouse Jr.。



“Over the past few years, I’ve loved progressing and experimenting with different types of genres and musical instruments and working with other musicians and producers, but I've had such an urge to create a small group of songs that feel so simple, vulnerable, Romantic and emotional. The kind of songs I would’ve dreamed to make and release when I was 16.”
