Cosmorat、'S.A.D L.U.V'のMVを公開


イングランド/ロンドン拠点のインディーポップバンド Cosmoratが、10/25にDon Chelada Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'S.A.D L.U.V'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Olly Liu。

Cosmoratは Taylor Pollock, Olly Liu, Lorenzo Burgio, Chloe Mercadalの4人組。アメリカ出身のTaylorとOllyが大学で知り合って一緒に曲を書き始め、ロンドンに移ってから Lorenzo、直近でキーボーディストとして Chloeが加入してます。

9月発表のデビュー曲 'Backseat Baby'で注目を集めたニューカマーの2作目。Lo-Fi/ベッドルーム的なDIY要素が音と映像の両方で効果的に炸裂してる。


“Ascending into womanhood for me was quite a turbulent experience, and I still have some scars that linger from that time in my life. S.A.D L.U.V is meant to channel my inner child, girlhood, and rage. I remember hitting puberty and having attention from boys and men that were way too old for me, which made me embarrassed by my body. I would cover up and awkwardly laugh. Then, when I started rejecting the inappropriate comments, I became known as hysterical and over-emotional. There was a very specific turning point for me where I felt that even when I was happy, I couldn’t experience it fully as there was always something I thought I was lacking. “Couldn’t take a compliment, took everything too seriously, covered up too much, didn’t show enough”. I thought getting older would change me and people would mature, but unfortunately, some things are so embedded into our culture and some things were so lodged into my brain that unlearning that self-hatred has taken years. This song was very cathartic for me to write as it feels like I am finally working out of my diffidence and forgiving myself for the years of self-deprecation caused by not matching the standards of what a lot of people expected me to be.”



Don Chelada