Old Sea Brigade、'Polygraph'を公開

Old Sea Brigade

アトランタ出身のシンガーソングライター・プロデューサー Ben Cramerによる名義 Old Sea Brigadeが、4/26にNettwerk Music Groupからリリースしたニューシングル 'Polygraph'のビジュアライザーを公開!

共同プロデュースは Owen Lewis, Jeremy Grffith。



“‘Polygraph’ is a song all about the fear of the unknown and how that can manifest into anxiety. It's about when you take a big step into a new phase in your life when those big changes actually happen, and you suddenly freak out and wonder… ‘was this the right step?’ but you feel bad for even thinking that. ‘Polygraph’ is about riding that out, letting it pass, and is meant to be an antidote to all that, to remind you... you don't have to slow-dance with the next thought you have.”



Old Sea Brigade
Nettwerk Music Group