Alex Bloom、'I'm Sorry'を公開

Alex Bloom
Seannie Bryan

カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のシンガーソングライター Alex Bloomが、11/16にMr. Saturnからリリースしたニューシングル 'I'm Sorry'を公開!

ニューヨークを離れロサンゼルスへ引っ越すことを彼女に説得した経験を赤裸々に綴った渾身のラブソング 'LA NY'で、彼女のみならず(この曲きっかけではないけどLAに越したそうです)私の心まで掴んだSSWです。



“I wrote I’m Sorry during an early period of my time living in Manhattan. I was feckless and lost, and filled my time walking around the city, looking for inspiration anywhere I could find it. Musically, I was trying to make sense of a deluge of emotions, and the sensation of when they get backed up so much, they become a big muck of nothingness. I visited Dia Beacon in upstate NY around the time I wrote this song, and remember being really inspired by Sol LeWitt and John Chamberlain. The chords of I’m Sorry reminded me a lot of Chamberlain’s recycled car sculptures, and a lot of the song’s vocal and guitar melodies felt angular and dimensional like LeWitt’s “Wall Drawing” installations. A lot of times I feel more inspired by visual artists than I do musical ones.”


I'm Sorry
Alex Bloom
Mr. Saturn