Kahone Concept、'Amicably'のMVを公開

Kahone Concept

ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ出身のインディーポップ・アーティスト Kahone Conceptが、6/3にリリースしたニューシングル 'Amicably'のMVを公開!

数年前に出した'Attention Addict'で気になった人。今回の新曲はTOP40的な明るさを前に出しつつも、メロディを食って掛かる勢いのベースラインが大好きです。


“the story of a person who dedicated their life to their art, documenting the attempt at success every step of the way”. Whether or not “success” is ever achieved is all part of his story, it is about the songs made along the way and the development of a person throughout their life. “Wether I ‘make’ it or not, I’ll be doing this until I die, and the thought of the amount of cool songs I’ll make between then and now, is extremely exciting and why I do it.”


Kahone Concept