TOVI、'I Don’t Think We Can Be Friends'のMVを公開


カナダ/トロントを拠点に活動するアーティスト Rebecca Emmsによるソロプロジェクト TOVIが、4/15にリリースしたニューシングル 'I Don’t Think We Can Be Friends'のMVを公開!

6/17発売のデビューアルバム『I Keep Floating Away』収録曲。

うっすらBillie Jean風のリフよりも、妙に聴き馴染みのあるザクザクした音が気になってクレジットを見たら、共同プロデュースに Josh Korody (Beliefs, Nailbiter)、マスタリングが Jesse F Keeler (MSTRKRFT, Death From Above 1979)で納得しました。


““I Don't Think We Can Be Friends" is a mini anthem about being okay with letting go of people who cause you heartache or just made you feel like sh*t. Sonically, I think the track channels some of the albums I loved in my teens –like Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Fever to Tell – just pure fun. When it comes to songwriting and being in the studio, I’m learning to let the chips fall where they may, stop overthinking every decision. I’ve taken my songwriting pretty seriously over the years, which is still really important to me, but I am also becoming more inspired by notes and textures - and allowing that lead me somewhere new.” - TOVI