Sleepy Gary、'Staring at My Phone'を公開

Sleepy Gary


メリーランド州ロックビル出身でブルックリンを拠点に活動するミュージシャン Daniel Feldmanによるソロプロジェクト Sleepy Garyが、9/10にリリースしたニューシングル 'Staring at My Phone'を公開!

Airplane Man, Yo No Sayのメンバーによるプロジェクトで、Tame ImpalaとRex Orange Countyの中間あたりにフィットしそうな気持ちいいベッドルームサウンド。



“Staring at My Phone is an ode to the love-hate relationships we have with our devices and the way they complicate modern romance. This bedroom pop anthem is for the Instagram DM flirts, the ones who get left on read, and those who long for the nostalgic simplicity of our non cellular past. In the intro you can hear me play saxophone and trumpet. This fanfare of traditional instruments gives way to modern synthesizers and drums, much the way our tethered telephones lead us to digital dialogue. In terms of the single art, it relates to the Sleepy Gary project as a whole than the song itself. Sunsets are part of my branding because they nudge our circadian rhythms from wakefulness to sleepiness.”