She's In Parties、'Cherish'を公開

Shes In Parties

イングランド/エセックス拠点のドリームポップバンド She's In Partiesが、11/9にSomething.からリリースしたニューシングル 'Cherish'を公開!

She's In Partiesは Katie Dillon, Herbie Wiseman, Matt Carman, Charlie Johnsonの4人組。Bauhausの楽曲に由来するバンド名で、Cocteau Twins, Slowdive, the Cranberriesに影響を受けてます。

これまでに Live at Leeds, Tenement Trailといったフェスに出演し、The Lathums, Oscar Langのツアーサポートを務めてます。



“at the time ‘Cherish’ was written I was going through some weird times in my relationship, I was never good at communicating my feelings and so things would just build up, at the same time though, neither was he. We were young going into it, not that it was a bad thing, but we were growing up together and learning so much about ourselves and each other. What I write in this song mainly suggests to myself, at the time, to cherish the love that we have for each other because ultimately there was too much love and memories and history there to just let it all go. I hope people will feel uplifted when listening to this song. Cherish the love always because someday that person might go away.” - Katie Dillon


She's In Parties