Seazoo、'Throw It Up'を公開


ウェールズ出身のインディーポップバンド Seazooが、8/13にリリースしたニューシングル 'Throw It Up'を公開!

Seazooは Ben Trow, Dan West, Llinos Griffiths, Mike Smith, Steffan Owensの5人組。


“I see a lot of people rejecting aspects of modern life, like tech, tech platforms, even careers as a way of trying to improve happiness. Some people make extreme lifestyle changes, like moving into a forest, or selling-up and moving into a van. But I also see people getting rid of their smart phones or deleting their social media. So I guess the song’s about making the decision to reject something in an attempt to improve well-being” - Ben Trow

Live Dates

25 Aug – Golden Lion, Wrexham
01 Sept – End Of The Road
20 Oct – Swn Festival, Cardiff