インディーポップ・アクト Quinn Christopherson、'Bubblegum'のMVを公開

Quinn Christopherson
Emma Sheffer

アラスカ州アンカレッジ出身のシンガーソングライター Quinn Christophersonが、12/10にPlay It Again Sam RecordsからリリースするEP『I Am Bubblegum』より、先行シングル 'Bubblegum'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Emma Agnes Sheffer。


“Bubblegum is about evolving and growing as a person. It should be celebrated to not know who you are. So often we're pressured to nail down and define our identity, as if it’s something finite. However, who I am isn’t written in stone waiting for me to unearth it. Things change and that’s the point. Bubblegum chronicles some of my evolution as a person.”


Quinn Christopherson
Play It Again Sam