フォークシンガー Old Sea Brigade、'How It Works'のMVを公開

Old Sea Brigade

アトランタ出身ナッシュビル拠点のシンガーソングライター・プロデューサー Ben Cramerによる名義 Old Sea Brigadeが、11/13にNettwerk Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'How It Works'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Evan Brace。

8月に発表したLuke Sital-SinghとのコラボEP『All the Ways You Sing in the Dark』に続くニューアルバムの収録曲。



“I think in the music industry, there’s sometimes this false narrative that there are certain ‘gatekeepers’ that dictate artists careers. It can be a fairly toxic notion, especially when you’re trying to get your foot in the door as a young artist. I got an email once from some music industry person telling me, ‘that’s how it works.’ That email, particularly the line, sparked the idea for the song. I wrote the song with my close friend and frequent collaborator, Henry Brill. It was one of the last songs I wrote for the record and in some ways felt like the missing piece.”


How It Works
Old Sea Brigade