Mazey Haze、デビュー曲 'Sad Lonely Groove'のMVを公開

Mazey Haze
Tara Wilts

オランダ/アムステルダム拠点のアーティスト Nadine Appeldoornによる名義 Mazey Hazeが、6/3にLUSTREからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Sad Lonely Groove'のMVを公開!

制作は Fee Oomes, Nadine Appeldoorn, Jorge Duarte。

共同プロデューサーに Sam Verbeek (Fungo Bat, Price)を迎えた楽曲。

ファジーなシンセ、跳ねるベースライン、程よく気だるいボーカル、質感も含めてビシッと決まってるなって思います。Men I Trustが好きな人におすすめしたいニューカマーです。


“The song is about me feeling the lowest and loneliest I’ve ever felt in my life. I hadn’t built lots of friend relationships yet and I forced myself to be alone with myself. It’s about missing the guy I thought I was in love with. It’s a stream of thoughts that were circling around in my head all the time. It was the first time that I realized I wasn’t able to be happy by myself and was very dependent in the past relationship. Suddenly I had to meet and get to know myself, something I had never done before. When I wrote this song I was still running away from it all.” - Mazey Haze