シカゴ出身で現在はベルリン拠点のシンガー・ソングライター・プロデューサー Marshall Vincentが、9/17にSA Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Radio Silence'のMVを公開!
制作は Ouroboros。
すでにKelsey Luの前座を務めた経験を持つニューカマーの10/15発売のデビューEP『In No Particular Order』収録曲。
“Radio Silence is a very dear song to my heart. The title, like most for me, is self-explanatory. It was written around the same moment as “If I Was Your Lover”, and captured a time where I was absolutely over being broken. Every moment had a bit of gloom. My initial version was aggressive, with heavy drums and sharp snaps… but it is one of these things where the piece didn’t work because I led with anger. I completely reapproached the production after this, also taking a note from “Starship” by Michael Henderson, one of my favorite love songs. I wanted to ask myself, “How am I dealing with this situation I can’t fix? Was it love or was it pride?” The song stays in this space for me.” - Marshall Vincent