ヒプノティック・ポップアクト Findlay、'Life Is But A Dream'のMVを公開


イングランド出身のアーティスト Findlayが、9/21にMogg Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'Life Is But A Dream'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Natalie Findlay。

2017年発売の『Forgotten Pleasures』以来となる新曲。それまでの間に長年のコラボレーター Jules Apollinaireと結成したデュオ TTRRUUCESで活動し、今回の陶酔的な曲調はその時期の影響を感じさせますね。


“The last few years were tough for me, navigating the death of someone close and dealing with the aftermath, then the pandemic, the lockdowns... my mental health took a big hit. I was totally burnt out for a while. I had to work very hard on myself to get back to a place where I even felt comfortable releasing music. I think towards the end, it was great having something to work towards between all the chaos and heartache,” - Natalie Findlay