ベッドルーム・ポップアクト Lionel Boy、'Lately'のMVを公開

Lionel Boy
Basil Vargas

ハワイ出身ロングビーチ拠点のシンガーソングライター Lionel Boyが、6月にInnovative LeisureからリリースしたデビューEP『Who Is Dovey?』より、'Lately'のMVを公開!

制作は Lionel DeGuzman, Casey Liu。


“There was one week last year (2019) where it just rained in Long Beach and it was then that I wrote “Lately”. There was rain, fog, gloom, smoke, monotony, and I guess I subconsciously aimed to recreate that feeling through music. I can’t really put my finger on it, but I was feelin some type of way.” - Lionel Boy


Who Is Dovey?
Lionel Boy
Innovative Leisure