レトロ・ソウルポップアクト Ginger Root、アルバム『Rikki』をリリース

Ginger Root

カリフォルニア州拠点のCameron Lewによるベッドルームプロジェクト Ginger Rootが、3/11にAcrophase Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Karaoke'のMVを公開!



“Karaoke is a little hard to explain but first things first: Karaoke the activity has never been appealing to me. And I have this friend who comes and goes in and out of my life. They never seem to have an interest in what I’ve been up to, so one day talking with them, I thought about bringing up a bunch of fake new things and hobbies I’ve been trying out (because it’d just go in one ear and out the other). One of them being that I do Karaoke now.”


追記:'Le Chateau'のMVが公開されました。


Ginger Root
Le Chateau
Ginger Root