Tobias Arbo、'Pyre'を公開

Tobias Arbo

スウェーデン/ストックホルム拠点のオルタナティヴフォークアーティスト Tobias Arboが、4/5にMADE Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Pyre'を公開!

共同プロデュースは Linus Hasselberg, Hannes Hasselberg (Plasí, Moonica Mac, Melissa Horn, Cleo)、ミックスは Zach Hanson (Bon Iver, Owen, Sylvan Esso, Waxahatchee)が担当。

先月のシングル 'Recover'から急に気になり始めた人。メロディーは前回と同じくらい魅力的だし、アレンジは面白いし、以下で語ってる曲についての話も良い。


“Pyre is about being in love with someone in secret, who you know doesn’t love you back the same way. Instead, you pretend to be casual to get to keep being close to that person, since they’d probably pull out of your life if you disclosed your feelings. And so you’re stuck in that prison, leaving you imploding on the inside. Still, you’d rather be close to that person and suffer, than lose them and move on without them. This also includes a kind of self-punishment. You want to feel the pain of the unrequited love, because you want to punish yourself for not being good enough for the other person to love you. And at the same time, there's a bittersweetness in how one-sided love in itself is a connection to a person, making it a better alternative than having no connection at all.”



Tobias Arbo