Jeni Schapire、'Porcelain'のMVを公開

Jeni Schapire

テネシー州ナッシュビル拠点のシンガーソングライター Jeni Schapireが、5/19にリリースしたニューシングル 'Porcelain'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Oceanna Colgan。

15歳からキャリアをスタート、2020年にそれまでの名義から本名に変更し2021年にデビューEP『What's In A Name』を発表したニューカマーです。

'Porcelain'は共同プロデュースに Matthew Young (TWINKIDS), Daniel Markus (border house)を迎えた楽曲。コードの動き方がかなり好みでした。


“Porcelain is about self-doubt, self-loathing, and feeling unworthy. On social media, I can pretend to be something I'm not. But when I turn back to real life, to myself, I am still unsure and feel like a fraud. This song grew from a recurring dream in which one of my favorite musicians kept calling me a fake. I tried to have all the right words and explain myself, but then they'd just disappear. It's the most fast paced song I've written; it leaves the listener spent and breathless, just like I was in my dream. In the music video, I am like a lifeless doll, being posed for and consumed by the outward gaze. I am nothing like myself: stiff and artificial. This song is about crippling outward pressures conflicting with our desire to be our "authentic" selves.”


Jeni Schapire