Ellur、'Close To You'のMVを公開


イングランド/ハリファクス拠点のアーティスト Ellurが、7/6にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Close To You'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Luke Hallett。

昨年に発表したEP『Moments』以降、Baby Queen, Abby Roberts, Saint Motelと共演してきたニューカマー。

'Close To You'はレコーディングに Lee Smith (Holly Humberstone, Easy Life), Rob Slater (Yard Act)が参加。


“Close To You is a song about rejection and coping with it. I decided, last year, I wanted to write more songs that were about me and my relationship with myself. I think this process birthed some of my favourite lyrics I’ve ever written.”


Close To You
Dance To The Radio