Enola Reverof、デビュー曲 'Bury'のMVを公開

Enola Reverof
Andrin Fretz

イングランド/ロンドン出身のアーティスト Enola Reverofが、9/30にsongsforclaireからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Bury'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Samuel Brunner, Enola Reverof。



“'Bury' is about finding romance in an ever faster moving world. Especially online, there are countless ways to meet new people these days. What at first sounds like a blessing often turns out to be a treacherous undertaking. Because of the seemingly endless choice of potential partners, people are often overwhelmed and tend to develop unrealistic ideas on their quest for love. Knowing that the next match can always be better than the last one leads to a form of perfectionism that prevents you from engaging more deeply with your partner. Though aren’t we all just looking for a profound, meaningful relationship?”


Enola Reverof