インディーポップバンド dad sports、'MANY FACES'のMVを公開

dad sports
Lucas Kuhl

カナダ/オタワ拠点のインディーポップバンド dad sportsが、3/19にGrand Jury MusicからリリースしたデビューEP『I AM JUST A BOY LEAVE ME ALONE !!!』より、'MANY FACES'のMVを公開!

話題になったシングルをひとまとめにした名刺的な作品。前回の'gf haircut'も入ってます。ギターがジャカジャカ鳴ってて気持ちいい音楽の中でもかなり際立ってるニューカマーです。


““MANY FACES” was first written at a point in time where I felt I had no space to just be myself. I felt like I wasn't able to distance myself from all the things happening around me and take a second to process it all. I was obsessed with the idea of isolating myself from everyone around me in a place where I could hideaway and decompress.” - Miguel Plante