
Eda Reutov

カリフォルニア州サクラメント拠点のインディーロックアーティスト Caregiverが、6/17にPark The Vanからリリースするデビューアルバム『Bathing In Yesterday's Fires』より、'Reason'のMVを公開!

制作は Patrick Liam, John Hein。

Caregiverはミュージシャン Lindsey Bitsonによる名義。



“I sabotaged a relationship to avoid being hurt,” “Such an ironic characteristic, self-sabotage. It creates the exact thing I fear. When we reconnected, it was as if he could see right through me. There was nothing left for us. If I hadn't been so distant and destructive, maybe things could have worked out differently. We swung outside on hammocks on opposing sides of his porch and it felt like goodbye. That week I wrote Reason.” - Lindsey Bitson