
Kaytranada, Anderson Paakと共鳴するメルボルンのネオソウルバンド Billy Davis、'No Longer Lovers'のMVを公開

Billy Davis

Kaytranada, Anderson Paak, the Internet辺りと同じ空気感を持った注目人!

オーストラリア/メルボルン出身で、最大11人にまで膨れ上がるR&B・ソウルバンド Billy Davisが、10月にリリースしたシングル 'No Longer Lovers'のMVを公開!

The Do Yo Thangsの記事でお話ししたとおり、メルボルン周辺のR&B・ソウルの熱気が世界に伝播し始めている時期な気がしていて、Billy Davisとバンドをサポートするコレクティヴ the Operativesに所属する人たちの動きも目が離せません。


こちらはリーダー William Rimingtonのコメント。

'The filming of ‘No Longer Lovers’ was held at FoodWorks in Melbourne suburb, Sunshine. Director Abraham Fuentes was under the impression that he would have to pay to obtain use of the property, but after an initial enquiry, the response from management was rather surprising; “How much do we have to pay you guys?”. After Abraham explained they'd be doing us a favour, the crew entered late at night - some members learning how to skate for the first time ever, only hours before - and began rolling around, tumbling and praying that nothing got broken. All in all, the crew would like to Thank FoodWorks for their kind hospitality and everyone involved.'

No Longer Lovers
Billy Davis
Good Manners