ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Amitureが、1/10にDots Per Inch Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'Dirty'のMVを公開!
制作は Jack Whitescarver, Coco Goupil。
2/9発売のニューアルバム『Mother Engine』収録曲で、ミックスは Steve Vealey (Dean Lewis, George Ezra, Bon Jovi)が務め、マスタリングは Joe LaPorta (Young Thug, Laufey, Yves Tumor)が担当。
11月のシングル 'Billy's Dream'に続いて一味違うポストパンク。激しさとかは違うけど、 Model/Actrizや Mandy, Indianaに近い折衷的で様子の変な音楽作ってて最高です。
“Dirty started with this bouncing 808 beat that’s still on the final recording. In a way, this song is our most indebted to early hip-hop production on the album because of its melodic relationships. Each melody, guitar, bass, vocal, etc… is in a different key. This way we were able to find a darker environment that reflects the textures and soundscapes that older sampling technology had. Different samples in Dirty fit together regardless of their tuning, creating a cacophony of anxious gestures that somehow become a glittery dance track. We recorded each part live in our studio and not on a sampler, you can feel that kind of live, almost like theater, expressionist bravado. The lyrics tell you all you need to know about the ideal way to listen to Dirty.”