ニューヨーク拠点の Amber Reneeによるソロプロジェクト dayawayが、7/24にTurn To Windからリリースしたニューシングル 'beam me up'のMVを公開!
8/14発売のEP『ghost beach』収録曲。
“‘beam me up’ is about a kind of young love that’s all consuming and obsessive. When I wrote it, I was thinking about my summers as a teenager, going to pool parties at a friend’s house or meeting a crush at the beach. It all felt so intense and visceral back then. I was really inspired by glowing visuals, like neon swimming pools and hazy lights, so I wanted to paint a picture of an otherworldly love that felt like a UFO abduction. It was super fun to create a video that captured that imagery so perfectly.”