georgia, georgia、'runner up'を公開

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イタリア/ベローナ出身のシンガーソングライター Giorgia Pivaによる名義 georgia, georgiaが、4/5にFactory Flawsからリリースしたニューシングル 'runner up'を公開!

共同作曲・プロデュースは Daniele Cocchi Violea。

2月のデビュー曲 'lies'に続くシングルで、好調ぶりが伺えます。


“Did you ever have to compete to receive someone’s love? To prove that you are worth it? To fight for someone who isn’t even sure they want you? I did, and I’m no longer willing to. I don’t race to be a runner up, I only play if I’m going to win. And if you’re unsure about me, if I’m not sure I’m gonna win, then I’ll quit, before the race even starts and they fire the starting pistol. I’m leaving before the sun comes up and you wake up. If love has terms and conditions, run.”



runner up
Georgia Georgia
Factory Flaws