ミシシッピ州オックスフォード拠点のインディーポップアーティスト Bedonが、4/12にBetter Company Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Woah'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Gabe Dreschler。
Bedonは シンガーソングライター、Bedon Lancasterのソロプロジェクト。今回のシングルではナッシュビルのインディーポップバンド Arlieのメンバーや、BÆRDが参加してます。
“'Woah' is the first single off of my second record. It’s the first thing I have put out since the pandemic started, and I am incredibly proud of the song, the writing, and the people I made it with. 'Woah' is the second track off of the album, and it is the introduction of conflict into the album’s narrative. The setting is at a house party in a small town in Mississippi. There’s a bonfire raging outside, and I see the person (who the entire album is centered around) standing by the fireside. We talk (and we obviously have a long convoluted history) and I start to consider risking the comfort of our friendship for the potential of a real relationship for the very first time. I had known her basically my entire life. A lot of weight is on this moment. That is why I wanted it to sound humongous.” - Bedon