スコットランド/グラスゴー出身のオルタナティヴロックバンド Dead Ponyが、5/1にLAB Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Everything Is Easy'を公開!
Dead Ponyは Anna Shields, Blair Crichton, Liam Adams, Aidan McAllisterの4人組。The Ninth Wave, Walt Discoと共にグラスゴーのライブシーンでメキメキ頭角を現してきているバンド。このキャッチーさがとても好き。
“‘Everything is Easy’ is a take on how simple childhood experiences can be soured as you grow older” “Lyrically, we tried to capture that feeling of betrayal you feel as a young, naïve child when you find out Santa isn’t real or that your conception wasn’t via your Dad finding a snotter on the wall and raising it to become you. We came up with this idea after having discussed how ridiculous the things were we believed as children” - Anna Shields