ドリームポップバンド White Flowers、'Help Me Help Myself'のMVを公開

White Flowers

イングランド/プレストン拠点の Joey Cobb, Katie Drewによるバンド White Flowersが、6/4にTough Love Recordsからリリースするデビューアルバム『Day By Day』より、先行シングル 'Help Me Help Myself'のMVを公開!


“We’ve always taken care to control every aspect of the White Flowers ‘world’, and because we’ve developed this over time, it feels to us like there’s a separate realm for White Flowers music to exist in,” “More than anything, the isolation that a place like Preston provides means that what we do is very much its own, separate thing” - Joey Cobb


Help Me Help Myself
White Flowers
Tough Love