TOVE、'Pretty Sequence'を公開


スウェーデン出身のサイケデリック・ポップアーティスト TOVEが、1/6にリリースしたニューシングル 'Pretty Sequence'を公開!

TOVEはミュージシャン Tove Tejlerによる名義。インディーポップバンド Dear Elephantのメンバーで、今作では演奏や共同作曲で他のメンバーも参加してます。


“Imagine having a partner who pushes you aside at parties to try to sleep with other people. And it happens so much, so often that you could feel a cartoonish thought bubble showing over your head, a display of the daydream you have about a secret wish that the partner actually cheats on you, so that they no longer can gaslight you into thinking you're just selfish and jealous, and so that you have a real reason to leave them behind and move alone into the woods instead. This is Pretty Sequence <3”