デンマークのSSW、The New Springが新曲 'Gershwin Wakes Up Singing'を公開

The New Spring

デンマーク/コペンハーゲン出身のシンガーソングライター The New Springが、9/8にTambourhinocerosからリリースしたニューシングル 'Gershwin Wakes Up Singing'を公開!

ニューアルバム『Wholly Wholly』は来年リリース予定です。

“The song confronts the ultimate disaster: Waking up and discovering that you have died. This realization leads to a series of different emotions. There is the obvious disappointment of not being alive anymore. Then there is the equally obvious fascination of getting to touch your dead body. And finally there is the silly and pretty and completely useless knowing that you were, in fact, at some point, very much alive. Fittingly enough the song is the also the last song on the album - you could maybe even call it the 'death' of the album.” - Bastian Kallesøe

Gershwin Wakes up Singing
The New Spring