インディーポップアクト Tayo Sound、'Cold Feet'のMVを公開

Tayo Sound

ネット上に発表した2曲のデモで大手レーベルとの契約を掴んだ現在18歳のシンガーソングライター Tayo Soundが、6/25にBlack Butter・Arista Recordsからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Cold Feet'のMVを公開!

楽曲のプロデューサーは Courage (Ray BLK, Lava La Rue)。


“The lyrics are about my first relationship and how I thought I had found this perfect person, but I wasn’t sure if the situation or timing was right as I was getting signals that her feelings weren’t as deep as mine. I felt happy because I’d found her but also terrified and anxious because I kinda knew it wouldn’t last,”