ドリーミーなUKギターポップバンド Swimming Tapes、'Easy Strand'のMVを公開

Swimming Tapes

イングランド/ロンドン出身のギターポップバンド Swimming Tapesが、9月にリリースした最新シングル 'Easy Strand'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Laurie Barraclough。

Easy Strand is a supportive nod to our younger selves about how the passing of time distorts memories. Moments you thought were trivial and pointless actually remain embedded in your memory as beautiful, worthwhile and meaningful times.

It was written as part of a collection of songs for our album but when everything was finished we felt it didn’t quite sit right with the other tracks on the record, therefore we’re giving it its own moment in the sun. - Louis Price

Easy Strand
Swimming Tapes
Hand In Hive