インディーロックバンド SPRINTS、'Little Fix'を公開


アイルランド/ダブリン拠点のインディーロックバンド SPRINTSが、1/11にNice Swan Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Little Fix'を公開!

Daniel Fox (Gilla Band)がプロデュースを務めた3/11発売のEP『A Modern Job』の収録曲です。全音攻めの無骨なロック。ライブでの盛り上がりが容易に想像できる楽曲ですね。


“Plagued by insecurities, imposter syndrome and gender stereotypes, Little Fix is the culmination of all my fears - the, sometimes, self applied pressure that as a woman in music I can’t just be good, I have to be great. I feel like I am in a constant state of proving myself. That no matter what I achieve, learn, write, play or sing, there will always be a critic, a voice in the crowd or in my head telling me that it’s still not good enough, that there’s a million men out there who are better and I’ll always just be “good for a girl” - Karla Chubb


Live Dates

Feb 24th - Yes, Manchester
Feb 25th - The Soundhouse, Leicester
Feb 26th - The Blue Moon, Cambridge
Feb 28th - The Hope & Ruin, Brighton
March 1st - Strange Brew, Bristol
March 2nd - Moth Club, London
March 6th - Ulster Sports Club, Belfast

Little Fix
Nice Swan