イングランド/エクセター拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Soot Spriteが7/23にSpecialist Subjectからリリースしたニューシングル 'Home Among Your Bones'を公開!
7/26発売の7インチ『I Went Swimming / Home Among Your Bones』収録曲。
'I Went Swimming'を聴いたときは、シューゲイズ・ベッドルームポップ路線は一区切りで次のステップに行ったんだなーって思ったけどそうでもなかったですね。淡い音像から抜け出して熱量が増してるのは間違いないけどバランスがちょうどいい。
“This is a song about feeling happy and safe in a relationship. I wanted to capture the joy of feeling love with someone without feeling insecure and sad which is something very new to me. I wrote it not long after moving in with my partner, it was and still is such a happy time, and it felt weird to put that into words to be listened to by the world. Ultimately it’s how I feel, and that’s how I’ve always written. It’s nice to be cringey sometimes!” - Elise Cook
Soot Sprite - I Went Swimming / Home Among Your Bones