UKオルタナポップバンド SHIELDS、EPから 'Babel'を公開


イングランド/ニューカッスル拠点のオルタナティヴポップバンド SHIELDSが、10/26にKaleidoscopeからリリースしたEP『Etemenanki』より、'Babel'を公開!


コンセプトの着眼点と Everything Everythingのように入り組んだアプローチをスムースに楽しませる手腕はお見事です。

“When you look at what has happened to the world over the last couple of years, with people divided in the UK over Brexit, the UK divided from the rest of Europe over the same issue, the internal conflict in the US over Trump’s presidency, and escalating tensions between the West and Russia, it seems like the world is perhaps as divided as it has been at any point since the second World War. And this comes at a time when it should, in theory at least, be easier to connect to people all over the world, particularly via social media. It seems like the more we can communicate, the further we drift apart.”
