パワーポップバンド Romero、'Troublemaker'を公開

Kaitlyn Hickey

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のインディーロックバンド Romeroが、11/17にリリースしたニューシングル 'Troublemaker'を公開!

制作は Josh O'Keefe。

Romero - Troublemaker


“'Troublemaker' was born after a conversation I was having with my mum about a girl I knew... we both came to the conclusion that she was in love with my boyfriend and my mother called her a troublemaker hah! I was like 'Yesssss mum!' I hung up the phone immediately, pulled over my car and started writing these lyrics. I was on my way to rehearsal and when I arrived Ferg was playing this new riff he had just written and it all fell into place that afternoon. It felt very serendipitous.” - Alanna Oliver