Puppy Teeth、'80/20'を公開

Puppy Teeth

スコットランド/エディンバラ拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Puppy Teethが、6/19にリリースしたニューシングル '80/20'を公開!

Puppy Teethは Anna Trost, Theo Black, Ed Meltzer, Niamh Jordanの4人組。エディンバラとグラスゴーで活動する2023年3月結成のニューカマーです。



“The track captures the emotional turmoil of investing heavily in someone, only to feel like the effort is not reciprocated. Whether it's a friend, a partner, or a family member, the song explores the frustration of feeling unbalanced and questioning where things went wrong. Through introspective lyrics, '80/20' ultimately leads to a sobering realization of finding oneself caught in this unfortunate dynamic.”



Puppy Teeth