イングランド/リヴァプール拠点のオルタナティヴロックアクト Pet Snakeが、2/15にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Getting Older'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Cj Pandit。
Clean Cut Kidのメンバーでソングライター Evelyn Hallsによるソロプロジェクト。すでに Deershed, Sound City, YNOTなどのフェスに出演し、3月から Bill Ryder JonesのUK/EUツアーに参加します。
追記:'Getting Older (Easy Version)'が公開されました。
“Celebrating the beauty that comes with growing up and letting go. Reflecting back on how far I’ve come and how although responsibilities increase as I get older so does my capability to take them on. It’s an anthem for myself to shout from the rooftops that I’m overjoyed to be alive and grateful to those who helped get me here. It’s me trying to turn my contentment into a song and the fact that I get to shout out my therapist (“and Julie said to think of that..”) goes a small amount towards the gratitude I owe her for turning my life around. Girlhouse was on repeat the whole time I was making this one.” - Pet Snake