Ellen Kempnerを中心に結成されたボストン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Palehoundが、6/7にPolyvinylからリリースするニューアルバム『Black Friday』より、'Worthy'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Robert Kolodny。
『A Place I'll Always Go』(2017)以来となる新作で引き続き Gabe Wax (Beirut, Soccer Mommy)が共同プロデューサーとして参加してます。この声は圧倒的です。
“Making music’s always been a therapeutic thing for me—that’s such a big part of the reason why I do it in the first place,”
“What I always want to do with my songs is to help people heal in some way, or come to some new understanding about whatever it is that they’re going through. Even if it’s just hearing a song and feeling less alone than they were before, that would mean so much to me.” - Ellen Kempner