ドリームポップバンド Pale Moon、'Clown'を公開

Pale Moon

アイスランド出身のインディーポップバンド Pale Moonが、1/14にAU! RECORDSからリリースしたニューシングル 'Clown'を公開!

Pale Moonは、シベリア出身でファッションデザイナーでもある Natalia Sushchenkoと、アイスランド出身で Of Monsters and Menの初期メンバー Árni Guðjónssonによる2人組。



“Humor saved me many times. When I need to look into deep dark corners of my mind, I make a joke instead, which doesn't fix anything. That's who I am, a clown. Maybe I feel more comfortable being funny than genuine and I wrote the song about it. It started with guitar riff Árni had and word just went naturally. I don't know if I felt comfortable with word Clown first, because if felt I am undressing myself on public, but eventually I gained courage. That's what 2021 was about for me” - Natalia Sushchenko


Pale Moon