ベルギー/リエージュ拠点のオルタナティヴポップバンド Pale Greyが、1/31にOdessaからリリースしたニューアルバム『It Feels Like I Always Knew You』より、'Syd'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Frédéric Moray。
共同プロデュースに Ash Workman (Metronomy, Christine and the Queens, Baxter Dury)を迎えたサードアルバム。
“This song is a luminous ballad that tells the story of a former singer, disillusioned and tired, throwing in the towel. The remnants of light he still manages to send out, despite everything, are returned to him by an audience that will never forget him. The song unfolds like a conversation between melancholy verses and choruses filled with sunshine.”