Mother Sun、'Good Morning'を公開

Mother Sun

カナダ/カムループス拠点のサイケデリックポップバンド Mother Sunが、11/3にEarth Libraries・Divine Bovine Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Good Morning'を公開!



“I began playing these chords on piano one morning at my girlfriend’s house, then made a demo and named it according to how it sounded. In the studio, we referenced the demo, rearranged things a bit and added new parts, extending sections and recording the new bed tracks live together in the same room. When the ‘devil creeps up’ in the chorus it’s a manifestation of anxiety in the form of sleep paralysis, which I experienced a few years ago sleeping in a friend’s basement. In the middle of the night my dream took on the perspective of something scraping towards my bedroom door. I woke up staring at the doorway just as it would have reached it - it was terrifying! That feeling of struggling to wake up while in this alternate perspective approaching ‘me’ was very strange. I think this parallels the way worry can hijack your mindframe, creeping up out of sight, while the verses are seeing things a bit more clearly in the light of day.”



Good Morning
Mother Sun
Earth Libraries