ニューヨーク拠点のインディーフォークアーティスト Molly Ganleyが、1/10にリリースしたニューシングル 'Who Are You'を公開!
3月発売予定のデビューアルバム『Eldest Daughter』収録曲。
プロデュースは Quinn Devlin、ミックスは Sahil Ansari (JW Francis, Slow Dakota)、マスタリングは Rob Dobsonが担当。
前述のアルバム発売へ向けた11月の先行デビューシングル 'Eldest Daughter'で登場したニューカマー。演奏に Glomのメンバーや、James Wyatt Woodall (Emily Nenni, Dougie Poole)が参加しており、今のニューヨークの気になる面々が揃っていて注目してます。
“Written in the wake of the overturning of Roe V. Wade in the United States, "Who Are You" reveres the hard work our ancestors did to create a better world for us and reflects on how far we still have to go. It explores how humanity is far from perfect: our bosses shortchange us, leaving us betrayed by corporate greed; our leaders refuse to recognize climate change, causing devastation across the Earth; society undermines women and LGBTQ folks, forcing us to have to fight for our right to exist and be heard. It asks the fundamental question: "Who are you to say?" - who gets to make the call that women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and climate action are unimportant, and that millions will suffer due to lack of legislative protection? - and it pledges that, just as our ancestors did, we will fight to create a better world for those who come after us.”
Molly Ganley