

ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のインディーロックバンド Glomが、3/29にGLOM WORLDからリリースしたニューシングル 'Below'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Raleigh Neill Robertson。

近日発売予定のニューアルバム『Below』タイトル曲で、プロデュースは Sahil Ansari (JW Francis, Slow Dakota)、マスタリングは Ruari O'Flahertyが担当。



“To me, Below almost materialized out of thin air. I picked up my guitar and tuned it down— lower than I’ve ever tuned it before with this project. A tuning borrowed from one of my favorites: Elliott Smith; a tuning that was a call back to my childhood hardcore and metal days playing youth centers and all ages matinees. Something about the low pluck of the strings brought out the melody and lyrics about me coming to terms with what I thought was expected of me as I grew up. I was 29 and creeping up on the next decade of my life, a decade where I thought I would have it all figured out. A year and a half later, I don’t have it “all figured out” and probably won’t for another few years, but the cathartic release of the final chorus illustrates me being ok with the fact that my journey won’t have all the answers I’m looking for right away.”


