ノルウェー/オスロ・ドイツ/ベルリン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Mildfireが、11/17にSinnbusから4部構成12分のEP『How To Be An Astronaut』をリリース!
Mildfireは受賞歴のあるノルウェーの作曲家集団で Team Me, Einar Stray Orchestraなどのメンバーが在籍してます。
今回は Lyder Øvreås Røed (Fieh), Magnus Joelson (BenReddik)が演奏に参加し、Øyvin Røsrud Gundersen (Rumble In Rhodos, Hanne Kolstø)が共同制作を務めてます。
10月にデビューEP、11月に今回のEPと月末にBerghain Kantineで初ライブ、2月にデビューアルバムリリースという怒涛のスケジュールで突き進む要注目のコレクティヴです。
“The song was born on a cabin in the Norwegian woods amongst horses and sheep during the first lock-down. There was also a small chapel nearby perfect for a small studio setup. I would go on these sunset walks in the area – through forests and fields turning from winter to spring. I read a lot about loneliness and how to befriend it, and how to be there for someone who are depressed. It’s a mostly instrumental piece, but even without lyrics I can hear all the feeling we put into it. Our philosophy and mindset was to keep a nerve and rawness in every breath of the recording. We didn’t do many takes, there’s an emergency in the playing. A journey from peacefulness, to chaos, back to peace again. In the studio Ofelia played so intensely that she broke her (very expensive) cello bow. We ended up using that exact take.” - Einar Stray