
Meyru、'Marcy, Pts. 1 & 2'を公開



ニューヨーク出身のインディーロックバンド Meyruが、4/14にリリースしたEP『Marcy, Pts. 1 & 2』からタイトル曲を公開!


共同制作に Sam Skinner (Pinegrove, Forth Wanderers), Cal Maroを迎え、ニューアルバムの準備に取り掛かってるそうなので非常に楽しみです。




“"Marcy, Pts. 1 & 2" is the centerpiece of the album. What started as just a guitar riff eventually turned into an epic two part song running almost 8 minutes. We pushed ourselves harder on this track more than we ever have both from a personal standpoint and a production standpoint. It's a new direction for us and one we're incredibly proud of. If there's one song we had to pick to ever play live for fans, this would be it; we're happy to say that the live energy we're always chasing really shines through on this recording.”