アメリカ・フランス拠点のプロデューサー MarMarが、5/30にSeeking Blue RecordsからリリースしたEP『Feel Okay』より、タイトル曲を公開!
コロラド州とリールで活動する人。今回のEPはユーフォリックな雰囲気とUKGやダウンテンポに影響を受けたビートが心地よくて、LUUNG, Becca Kreugerが参加してます。
San Holoや彼主宰の bitbirdが好きな人におすすめ。
“Tough track for me to even talk about actually, but Feel Okay is about my battle with OCD and the constant struggle in my mind. It’s truly been a hellscape going through diagnosis and treatment and I needed a way to externalize that. This is such a special and difficult track for me. It was tough to sing about this, tough to mix, tough to master. Just a total struggleto create and also maybe one of my favorite things I’ve ever made. I wanted to just be honest about how things are in my mind sometimes. How I’m always seeking peace. I spend a lot of time wondering what it would be like to completely “Feel Okay.”” - MarMar