ドイツ/ベルリン拠点のポストパンクバンド Lea Porcelainのメンバー Markus Nikolausが、12/12にPorzellan Barからリリースしたニューシングル 'Enjoy the Pain'を公開!
細かい略歴は前回の記事にまとめたのでそちらを見てもらうとして、2022年秋にはソロで動き出してたのでアルバムのアナウンスが少し遅れたようにも感じますが、常に良いから期待して待てちゃう。Funkhausを拠点にイベント集団 Porzellan Barの創設者としても動きながら、ロックをやってるってだけでもかなり珍しい存在だと思います。
Markus Nikolaus、'Bicycle Day'のMVを公開
“The song plays a lot with contradictions and opposites. It’s sweet n sour lyrics that speak of an emotional self-surrender atop of a rather happy instrumental. The chorus wordplays with the song title that there is “Pain & Joy” in the world but hence we cannot control the outer world, we much rather have to take control of the inner world, our inner self and start to enjoy that pain. The lyrical theme rotates between giving up a task or something of high importance to us to start another and seek a new beginning for oneself. Self-abandonment and the feeling of a small death that we need to take for the big picture. Endure a pain, means to enjoy it because better times await us around the corner. Hopefully. As a musician, I always desire to create my own faith from the music and plot my own life’s story that lies within the songs. The song and especially its lyric, instinctively build the destiny that future holds, we are just vessels that take the up and down. Whereas if you think about it, we all head into the same direction.”